Eyebrow Microblading just £110 per session.
Please note that two sessions are required if you are new to microblading.
What is microblading?
Microblading (also known as semi permanent makeup or micropigmentation) is a manual method, applied by using a very fine handheld blade to deposit pigments into the top layer of skin. By adding colour to the top layer of the skin ensures the hair strokes appear crisp and fine, resulting in a more natural look. This method is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows in the most natural way possible. It is suitable for everyone, regardless of how much hair is present in the existing brow.
Unlike traditional tattooing which gives a ‘block’ look brow, Microblading is created by applying fine strokes by hand to create the illusion of real hairs. It’s therefore great for those with alopecia, those who’ve gone through chemotherapy, people who have ‘over plucked’ over the years or for anyone who wants to keep on top of their brow game!
I always carry out a consultation beforehand to ensure that Microblading is the correct treatment for you, this also provides you with an opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have. During the consultation I will take a patch test to ensure that you are not allergic to the pigments that will be used, this is highly unusual but necessary to ensure that you will not have a reaction on the day of treatment. This is also an opportunity to discuss the eyebrow colour you would like, I usually recommend something similar to your existing eyebrow colour but I have many options ranging from dark to light and I am always happy to follow your preference. The pigment brands that I use for treatment are Tina Davies and Li Aqua as I feel these give my clients the best results.
On the day of your Microblading appointment I will draw a template of the brows, carefully measuring each point on your face to ensure that your brows will be as perfect as possible. Before the treatment begins, I will ask you to check the template and advise if you would like any alterations made, ensuring that you are 100% happy with the design before I proceed.
After the first treatment, your brows will look darker than you may have expected but please do not panic – the colour will lighten by up to 40% after the first treatment. A second treatment (top-up) will be required 4-6 weeks after the initial treatment, this is when the brow should be fully healed and the pigment has settled. The second treatment is needed to go over any areas which may have become patchy or that your skin may not have fully taken too, this will complete the final look. After the second treatment, the microblading will last anywhere from 12-18 months depending on your skin type and life style factors.
Before & After Microblading Results